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Code of Conduct

As part of the continuing Screening in Faith polices, volunteer files must be updated and all Diocesan Policy and Procedure must be implemented to maintain current files. All volunteers are required to verify and read the new Code of Conduct document issued by the Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie.


The screening procedures and following a code of conduct are not new to the parishes. All volunteers, especially those in high-risk ministries are required to satisfy the requirements.

Volunteer screening is a standard Ontario practice at most companies, churches, and volunteer organizations. By completing the screening process and updating records, the insurance fees in the parish and diocese are reduced.  Also, parishioners have the assurance that a safe environment is created, maintained and promoted. Thus parish volunteers are supported and their safety, integrity and reputation are preserved ensuring that the duty and obligations as a faith and caring community are fulfilled.


Volunteers are asked to read the following Code of Conduct:


‘Code of Pastoral Conduct for Priests, Deacons, Seminarians, Employees & Volunteers engaged in ministries and services in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie’.


Volunteers are to print the last page, print the name also on the ‘acknowledgement’ portion indicating that the Code of Conduct has been read. It must be returned to the parish office.


For those who do not have a printer and would prefer a paper copy of this document - copies are available at the parish office.


Any concerns or questions may be directed to the parish office.


  • St. Pius X
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