One Parish
Stewardship & Contributions
Stewardship Options
Regular Donations
Option A: Weekly Envelopes
Envelopes can be provided for the weekly contributions. They are currently available at the back of the church by asking an usher or by calling the parish office. The name and address of the contributors are to be indicated on the envelopes.
Option B: Postdated Cheques
Parishioners may donate weekly by postdated cheque. Many parishioners away during the winter months may leave postdated cheques for their weekly offerings. Also, for those who are often away in the summer months, this option provides a means to donate even though attending church regularly is not possible. Postdated cheques may be dropped off at the parish office or placed in an envelope marked FOR OFFICE STAFF and put in the collection.
Option C: Pre-Authorized Donations
Through pre-authorized withdrawals and automatic deposit, parishioners are able to support the parish even when not able to attend on Sundays. The bank account will be debited automatically weekly, monthly or whenever a parishioner wishes. This amount will be credited to the parish’s account. It is convenient, easy to budget and does not incur fees.
Memorial Fund
Donations to the parish can be made in a special way, to the Parish Memorial Fund in memory of loved ones and friends as an expression of sympathy. These donations are used exclusively for parish needs such as for specific projects of renewal, for special building needs, etc. Such needs are determined by the Parish Council. Each of these gifts is acknowledged with an appropriate card to the family or individual concerned. Donations to the Memorial Fund may be made either directly at the parish office or at the funeral home, and Tax Receipts are issued for all donations to the Memorial Fund. Donations to the Memorial Fund may also be made through Last Will and Testament Gifts. When preparing the Will, parishioners are asked to consider including the Parish Memorial Fund as a beneficiary.
Other types of financial contributions, less immediate, involve some pre-planning. It involves assets in forms other than money, such as property, stock or annuities. A reputable financial planning professional may advise on the possibilities of supporting the parish in any of the following ways:
The contribution would come from the estate. There is a significant tax advantage for the heirs. A donation of property such as a cottage still allows the family to enjoy it as part of the retirement lifestyle and the heirs will benefit from the tax advantage that gift earns through the estate.
Gift Annuities
This method allows the donor to make a financial gift but still receive an income, and a portion, if not all, of the income is tax free. In addition, tax laws allow older seniors a one-time tax receipt for a portion of the total gift. The income is guaranteed for life, and will remain constant.
This method is a way for younger people to leave an affordable legacy. A policy for a tax deductible premium of a few dollars may be purchased each month until the policy is paid, and leave a significant bequest for the work of the church. Older people who have an insurance policy can name the church as owner and beneficiary. A tax credit for any cash in the policy is available and a tax receipt for any premiums still being paid. A distinct advantage of donating money in an insurance policy is that it is not usually ‘active money’ so it doesn’t take money out of the everyday income.
Publicly Traded Securities
Present tax laws stipulate that if publicly traded securities (stocks, bonds and mutual funds) are privately sold, 50% of the capital gains is taxed. If the securities are given directly to charity, however, there are no taxes on capital gains and also a tax donation receipt is issued for the full market value of the securities. This means that the gifting of securities that have appreciated in value is a much more tax-efficient way to give to the church than a comparable size gift of money. The proceeds of the gift may be directed to the parish.
Gifts of Property
Gifts of Property will earn a tax receipt for the full appraised value eliminating the capital gains tax which you would have to be paid if cashed by the donor.