One Parish
Becoming Catholic
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process whereby adults enter the Catholic Church. RCIA classes are held weekly and over the course of several months. Those who attend the RCIA classes are educated on what the Catholic Church believes and are given the opportunity to ask questions about those beliefs.
Just because you start RCIA, does not mean you are committed to complete it. If you are merely curious about what Catholicism is, please feel free to come. All are welcome.
For more information on the Sacraments click here.
Social Committee
The role of the parish social committee is to plan and organize events which would bring all three churches together throughout the year.
The committee is made up of representatives from each church.
Communion to the Sick
Our Eucharistic Ministers visit parishioners to bring Communion to those who cannot be present at the Sunday Eucharist. Volunteers are also present in the homes for the aged.
Contact Parish Office
Tel: 705-682-4683
Development and Peace
A committee reaches out to the parishioners through advertisement including posters, videos and literature to support various development programs including the Share Lent Program.
For more information, visit:
Hospital Visitation
This service provides service in visiting our sick parishioners who are in the hospital.
Join with other parishioners who have a love for gardening in helping to beautify the landscape around the Church.
Light weeding, planting and watering are required. All supplies provided.
Contact Parish Office
Tel: 705-682-4683
St. James Catholic Elementary School is located in Lively, Ontario.
For more information, visit