One Parish
If interested in learning more or are ready to participate in any of the following ministries, parishioners are asked to contact the parish office at 705 682-4683. Training and resources will be provided as appropriate.
Atlar Serving
Boys and girls aged nine and up who have celebrated the Sacrament of First Communion and First Reconciliation are welcome to participate. If your child is interested in this ministry, please contact the Parish Office.
Contact Parish Office
Tel: 705-682-4683
Children's Liturgy
All the children are invited to a celebration which is an extension of the main assembly’s celebration. This celebration of the word with children (Children’s Liturgy) lead by and adults, is a part of the Eucharistic liturgy. It draws children into the life and work of Jesus so that God’s word might take flesh in them, as it did in Jesus, giving glory to God every day in the way they share God’s love, unconditionally. It is the ritual celebration of God’s presence with us.
Education Team
The Education team for the three parishes prepares the candidates for the sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation.
Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Ministers of Communion assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass and to those who are confined to their homes. They are appointed by the pastor. The ideal candidates for this ministry are adult parishioners who are properly instructed and distinguish themselves by their Christian faith and life.
Lectors proclaim the Word of God at weekday, Sunday and Special liturgies.
Music & Choir
The focus of this group is to create music with voice and instruments in such a way, that it draws in the participation of the congregation and enriches the Holy Mass and the liturgical celebrations.
Parishioners are invited to share their talents with the congregation through this ministry.
Hospitality / Ushers
Ministers of Hospitality welcome visitors and newcomers, offer assistance and information.
Ministers pass out worship leaflets, take up the collection, guide people during communion, and clean up after the service. They must be helpful and friendly. These outgoing and dedicated individuals are the parish’s front line in our ministry of hospitality, welcoming visitors and offering assistance and information.
The Sacristan is responsible for maintaining the sacristy and provide assistance to priests, deacons and ministers in preparation for church celebrations.
This ministry is a group of talented people who are responsible for providing the church with beautiful, liturgical banners and decorations that decorate the sanctuary and the church in a way that has special symbolic meaning to our services.
Prayer Line
A Prayer Line is available for parishioners. Anyone wishing to pray for a special intention, for someone who is ill, having surgery, for the deceased or any other intention, may contact the
Prayer Line.
St. Stanislaus
Faye Wafer | Tel: 705-682-3207
Ellen Austin | Tel: 705-682-4596
St. Pius X
Eleanor Williams | Tel: 705-692-4061
Denise Stewart | Tel: 705-692-4883
St. Christopher
Adrienne McIntyre | Tel: 705-866-2235